What We Do

What We Do?

​​Improving agricultural performance in low-income countries is the most effective way of reducing poverty and hunger. Uganda offers fertile land and abundant labor. In spite of this, the biggest challenge faced today is lack of technical know-how, infrastructure and access to global market information.

Ugagrains has ventured into commercial farming & backward integration to form partnership & joint ventures with large group of private farmers out growers & farming associations, who exclusively produce products such as Maize, Green Mung Whole, Red Kidney beans, Sesame seeds and other seasonal cereals & pulses. The farmers are provided with seeds and other administrative, logistical support by us against which they recieves a gauranteed fixed price for the entire harvest. The produce is directly brought to our own advanced complete processing line based in Jinja, where the product is cleaned, processed, graded and packaged to International Standards and exported all over the world. The processing services are also offered to other exporters in Uganda for their commodities.

The team of Ugagrains is highly committed to the business and the CEO and Heads of Departments are directly involved in communications, research and supervision of the operations at the farm & production levels. Being on the ground helps to understand the importance of time in farming activities where a small delay of resources could cause heavy losses to the farmer.

This understanding and support has helped us create strong partnerships with our farmers and associates It has helped us build trustworhty bonds that provide motivation, effective use of resources & economic growth for all stake holders. And most importantly, a high standard product.
